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Iris Keyboard Build Log

April 16, 2019

Last year I started to type with a mechanical keyboard. I bought a Vortex Core. This keyboard was quite impressive for me because this keyboard is a mechanical one, I can program it and the size is small (40%).

After some time I recognized, the programming mode is not convenient enough for me. There is no way to program my vortex core based on a config file. I have to press some keystrokes to reorder my keys.

In addition to the programming mode I tried to learn to use my 10 fingers instead my own 5.75 finger system. But I had the feeling the staggered layout is not the right one for me.

A colleague of mine point me to his keyboard. Planck Keyboard, a tiny programmable ortholinear keyboard. I wanted to buy me the same keyboard. But in addition to this I wanted to go one step further. I thought a splittable keyboard is more healthier for me because I can use it with straight arms.

An Ergodox keyboard was quite interresting. But somehow the Iris from keeb.io was more impressive.

So I decided to buy an iris keyboard. Inclusive stainless steel plate, an acrylic middle layer clear and tented, cherry-mx switches clear.

Start to solder the diodes and the arduino Pro Micro. Using kapton tape on top of trrs jack’s and the Pro Micro because i’m using a stainess steel case.

Soldering the switches.

I bought some retro style keycaps with an OEM profile.

I built also two cheap palm rest of wood.

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